Frank Pattyn

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
Frank Pattyn
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1998: PhD in Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
1998: Doctorate training course certificate, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
1988: Master (licentiate) in Physical Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
1986: Bachelor (candidate) in Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
1981: Nature Guide (Centrum voor Natuurbeschermingseducatie, Belgium)

Current Positions
2019-: Full Professor (Professeur Ordinaire), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Past positions
2008-2023: Director/co-director Laboratoire de Glaciologie, ULB, Belgium
2017-2019: Head of Department Geosciences, Environment and Society, ULB, Belgium
2011-2019: Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
2005-2001: Associate professor (chargé de cours) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
2013-2013: Visiting Professor at the Université J. Fourier, Grenoble, France.
2008-2013: Visiting professor at the University of Ghent, Belgium
2000-2005: Postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
2000-2005: Lecturer (Maître de Conférence), 10%, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
1999-2000: Post-doc at the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo, Japan.
1993-1999: PhD/research assistant at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
1992-1993: Military service, Belgium.
1988-1992: Research assistant at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Research interest
Ice-sheet modelling, focus on subglacial and marine processes (grounding lines)
Contrubution of ice sheets to sea-level rise
Ice-sheet and ice-shelf model verification (MIPs)
Geophysics (ice radar/GNSS) Antarctica, polythermal glaciers/ice sheets

Fellowships and awards
2022: IGS Richardson Medal award for the ISMIP6 (Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison) team
2021: Science communication prize ULB
2018: Agassiz Medal laureate of the EGU (European Geosciences Union)
1999: JSPS Fellowship from the Japan Society of the Promotion of Science
1989: Laureate of the "Reisbeurzenwedstrijd" from the Ministry of the Flemish Community.

Teaching activities

2019: Summer School on Sea level change: observations, processes and modelling, 1-5 July 2019, TU Delft, The Netherlands
2019: POLENET GIA Training School, Gävle, Sweden, August 2019
2024, 2023, 2022, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013: Summer School on Glaciers and Ice Sheets in the Climate System, Karthaus, Italy.
2014: PhD school MATH & COMPLEX 'Inverse problems and environment', University of Namur, Belgium
2008-2013: Basin modelling (University of Ghent, Belgium)

Supervision of (under)graduate students and post-doctoral fellows
2006--: Supervision of 7 postdocs, 14 Phd students, 38 Master students at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
2005--: Member of jury of 28 Phd theses in Belgium and EU.

Institutional responsibilities
2008-2023: Director of the Laboratoire de Glaciologie, ULB
2017-2019: Head of Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society, ULB
2015-2017: Representative of the Academic Corps of the Faculty of Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles
2010-2017: Member of the Bureau of the Faculty of Sciences, ULB
2016-2023: Member of the Bureau of the Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society, Université Libre de Bruxelles
2019-2022: Secretary of the Jury of the Master in Environmental Sciences, ULB
2006--: Secretary of the Jury of the Bachelor in Geography, ULB

Commissions of trust
Membership of scientific advisory boards

2020--: Member of the Scientific Council of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB)
2013--: Chair of the Belgian National Committee on Antarctic Research (BNCAR)
2013--: Belgian delegate to SCAR (Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research)
2012--: Member of the Steering Committee and SCAR representative of ISMASS (Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level)
2010--: Belgian representative to SCAR Standing Scientific Group of Geosciences.
2008--: Associate member of the Belgian National Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics.
2020--: Member of the Steering Committee of the EU H2020 project PROTECT
2020--: Work package leader of the EU H2020 project PROTECT
2022--: Work package co-lead of the EU Horizon EU project OCEAN:ICE
2022: Contributing author of IPCC AR6 WG1 (Chapter 9)
2016-2020: Member of the Steering Comittee of SERCE (SCAR programme)
2015-2017: Vice-President of the International Glaciological Society (IGS)
2010-2014: Work Package leader of the FP7 ice2sea project and member of the Steering Committee
2008-2014: Member of the Steering Committee of IPY-NEEM (Belgian representative in NEEM)
2009-2014: Secretary of the Cryospheric Science Division of the EGU (European Geosciences Union).
2008-2014: Chair of the NEEM Modelling Consortium (North Greenland ice core Project, Denmark)
2004-2010: Member of SCAR-SALE Steering Committee (Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments)
2004-2007: Council member of the International Glaciological Society (IGS) (co-opted for 2008-2009, 2011, 2014)
2004-2008: Member of the consultancy committee of the Belgian Antarctic Research Station project. International Polar Foundation (IPF).
Membership of evaluation and review panels (selection)
2019-2023: FNRS: Chair/member of the FRIA PE10 jury (chair from 2021)
2007-2016: Member of the FWO-Vlaanderen commision 'E8 Wetenschappen van de aarde'
Project reviews for NSF (USA) and ANR (France), IPEV (France), NERC (UK), NordForsk
Journal Editorship

2016--: Associate Chief Editor of Journal of Glaciology (IGS, Cambridge Journals)
2013--2016: Scientific editor of The Cryosphere (EGU)
2006--: Editorial Advisory Board Member of 'Antarctic Science' (Cambridge Journals)
2015: co-Chief Editor of Annals of Glaciology 56(70) Thematic issue on 'Contribution of Glaciers and Ice Sheets to Sea Level Change'
2009: Scientific editor of Annals of Glaciology 50(52) Thematic issue on 'Dynamics in Glaciology'
2008: Scientific editor of Annals of Glaciology 50(51) Thematic issue on 'Radioglaciology and its application'

Organization of scientific meetings
2022: Co-organizer of the Belgian Polar Symposium (Egmont Institute, BELSPO, BNCAR, APECS)
2016: Co-organizer of the BNCGG-BNCAR Symposium: "Unlocking a continent: scientific research at the Princess Elisabeth Station, Antarctica (2008-2016). Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium
2004-2017: Convenor/Co-convenor of the session 'Modelling of glaciers and ice sheets' (Cryospheric Science) of the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union
2010-2017: Co-convenor of the session 'State of the cryosphere: observations and modelling' (Cryospheric Science) of the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union
2014: Organizer of MISMIP (Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project) Splinter Meeting at EGU General Assembly, Vienna
2012: Co-convenor of the ISMASS (Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level Rise) Workshop, Portland OR, USA
2011-2012: MISMIP: Marine Ice-sheet Model Intercomparison Project (co-sponsored ice2sea); coordinator of the benchmark experiments for representing grounding line magration in marine ice-sheet models (both flowline and planview models)
2005: Co-convenor of the session 'Icy Lakes: Intersections of Tectonics, Life and Climate', AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
2004: Co-convenor of the AMICS Workshop "Dynamic Interaction between the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Subglacial Environment", Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Participation in conferences and symposia
38 invited oral presentations on international symposia and workshops
28 invitations as speaker on conferences (national and international)

List of research projects
2024-2026: FRS-FNRS PDR (Projet de Recherche): THAWS (PI)
2022-2026: EU Horizon Europe: OCEAN:ICE (PI; work-package coordinator; scientific steering committee)
2020-2023: EU H2020: PROTECT: Projecting sea-level rise: from ice sheets to local implications (PI; work-package coordinator; scientific steering committee)
2020-2023: NWP GROOT (Netherlands): HiRISE: Slate and fate of Antarctica's gatekeepers: a high resolution approach for ice shelf instability (co-PI)
2019-2024: EU H2020: Beyond EIPCA-Oldest Ice Core (PI)
2018-2022: EOS (Excellence of Science; FWO-FNRS): PARAMOUR: Decadal predictability and variability of polar climate (PI)
2018-2023: ARC-ULB: NuttI:Nutrient Factories under the Ice: Quantifying the subglacial biogeochemical reactor and its response to climate change (co-PI)
2016-2019: EU H2020: Beyond EPICA-Oldest ice (BE-OI) (PI)
2016-2020: MIMO (Monitoring Melt where Ice Meets Ocean), BELSPO-STEREO (PI/coordinator)
2016-2017: ESA-CCI (Climate Change Initiative): Ice sheet model validation (sub-contract Met Office, UK)
2015-2017: MEDRISM: MEasurement-Driven Regional Ice Shelf Modelling. FNRS-Projet de Recherche (PDR) (PI)
2014-2015: The Tweeting Ice Shelf: Projet 10 km de l'ULB - Faculté des Sciences ULB (PI)
2012-2016: IceCon: Constraining Ice Mass Change in Antarctica. BELSPO project (PI/coordinator)
2014-2015: Phase Sensitive Radar (pRES). FNRS Crédits de Recherche (CDR) (PI)
2013-2015: BeWise: ice-shelf buttressing. FNRS Crédits de Recherche (CDR) (PI)
2013-2014: Dynamique et stabilité de la calotte d'Antarctique. Projet Tournesol, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (PI).
2011-2015: IDyRa: Ice Dynamics derived from englacial Radar reflection Architecture. FNRS-FRFC project (PI)
2010-2011: EU FP7 EUFAR project “Sor Rondane Mountain Glaciers – Antarctica”. European Facility for Airborne Research (co-PI)
2009-2013: EU FP7 Ice2Sea: estimating the future contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise. Work package coordinator (PI)
2009-2010: Estimation of glacier mass loss in the Brooks Range, Alaska and its contribution to 21st Century sea-level rise. FNRS Crédit aux chercheurs (PI)
2008-2011: BELISSIMA: Belgian Ice Sheet - Shelf Ice Measurements in Antarctica. BELSPO (PI/coordinator)
2008-2012: ICECUBE-DYN: Deep ice behaviour and subglacial linkages within ICECUBE, South Pole, Antarctica. ARC project (ULB, Communauté française de Belgique) (PI/coordinator)
2007-2010: Modélisation de gestion des ressources hydriques d’origine glaciaire sous le cadre des changements climatiques (Cordillère de La Paz, Villes de la Paz et El Alto). Projet de coopération bilatérale avec la Bolivie (CGRI) (PI)
2007-2010: IPY-NEEM: The last interglacial and beyond: a northwest Greenland deep ice core drilling programme during the International Polar Year, FNRS-FRFC project (PI)
2005-2009: ASPI: Antarctic Subglacial Processes and Interactions: role of transition zones in ice sheet stability" BELSPO (PI/coordinator).

Field work
2024, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2000, 1991: Expeditions to Antarctica (13)
2010, 2006, 2005, 2003: Expeditions to McCall Glacier, Alaska (4)
2009, 2008: Expeditions to Andean glaciers in Bolivia (2)
2000, 1997, 1996, 1995: Expeditions to the Russian Altai mountain glaciers (4)

Principal international collaborations
Dr. G. Durand, IGE, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France: Ice sheet modelling - model intercomparisons - oldest ice (Antarctic subglacial conditions)
Dr. R. Drews, University of Tuebingen, Germany: Radio-echo sounding, remote sensing, ice-shelf and grounding line dynamics
Prof. D. Dahl-Jenssen, Prof. Niels-Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark: Paleo-climate, Greenland ice dynamics
Prof. O. Eisen, AWI Bremerhaven, Germany: Oldest ice, basal ice-shelf mass balance, remote sensing
Dr. Carlos Martin, Dr. K. Nicholls, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK: Phase-sensitive radar
Dr. K. Matsuoka, Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso, Norway: Radio-echo sounding, Antarctic ice sheet and ice shelf dynamics
Dr. H. Goelzer, NORCE, Bergen, Norway: Ice sheet modelling
Prof. B. Hubbard, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK: Ice-core dating, ice dynamics
Prof. S. Lhermitte, KULeuven, Belgium: Remote sensing, ice surface dynamics
Prof. H. Seroussi, Prof. M. Morlighem, Dartmouth University, USA: Ice sheet modelling
Dr. S. Sun, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK: Ice sheet modelling
Prof. R. Winkelmann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam University, Germany: Ice sheet modelling